Sep 22, 2023Liked by Nomadic Notes

Good roundup. Liked especially the "avoiding influencers" piece and unshocked to see their gravity to Canggu, historic domain of Travelfish.

Also liked the Asian food in Berlin piece. My experience there is generally all Asian restaurants offer sushi, the well known Vietnamese, Chinese, Thai specialty.

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I went to an "Asian Food" restaurant in Podgorica because I was missing rice. I went knowing it would be bad, but wow was it bad. On the other hand, the first-generation Vietnamese restaurants in Melbourne often had Chinese food, mainly because they probably found Australian wasn't ready for full-on Vietnamese food at that point

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I sat down to a bougie Thai restaurant in London, Busaba Bloomsbury, and knew it was going to be, well, something when they had chopsticks set instead of spoon and fork. Non Thai staff quizzical that I wanted a spoon and fork.

So many Europeans like wine with Asian food and this has spread to ethnic Asians in Asia, too, who feature wine in their IG food photos. Not a fan, but as long as they don't make me drink it...

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Thanks for the tip about the digital nomad home swap service. My husband and I have used homelink.com very successfully for years, but it can be a lot to coordinate with other owners. I like the idea that you can choose your dates like you would for a hotel or Airbnb. It's a lot easier to plan.

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