A sweaty summer stopover in Sharjah

A weekly newsletter of great travel reads and news by James Clark from Nomadic Notes.
Latest posts from Nomadic Notes
A sweaty summer stopover in Sharjah
Visiting Sharjah in the United Arab Emirates in the summertime is a hot and sweaty experience.
Travel Reads
Rare insight into Napoleon's plans for Western Australia
“Historical documents never seen before outside France have shed more light on the theory that WA could just as easily have been settled by the French.”
Traveling in the Age of Overtourism: 10 Ways Travelers Can Help
“Travel tips for combatting overtourism. Includes steps you can take now that will improve your travel experiences and also help the places you visit.”
He Walked 721 Miles to Find the Nooks and Crannies of ‘The Manhattan Nobody Knows’
“A sociology professor’s newest urban walking guide takes on the borough of Times Square, Central Park, Chinatown and Inwood.”
I have walked the length of Broadway in New York, and I feel like it’s a city you could spend the rest of your life exploring and still find new things.
Travel News
Busiest passenger air routes in the world revealed
“The busiest passenger air routes on earth have been revealed in a new study published by Routesonline, with the Asia-Pacific region dominating the top 100. The research has been released ahead of World Routes 2018, taking place from 15-18 September in Guangzhou, China.”
French heritage lottery aims to save national treasures
“France’s new lottery is raising money for hundreds of historic buildings - borrowing a British idea.”
Boeing 777x: New 777-9 static test plane rolls out at Everett factory
“What will be the world’s biggest twin-engine jetliner has made its debut appearance.”
Nomadic News

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.